2001 Sermons

"New Life for the New Year" 12/30/01, C1A
"God Draws Up Close" 12/23/01, A4A
"This Season of Miracles" 12/16/01, A3A
"Our Long-Expected Jesus" 12/9/01, A2A
"First Light of Morning" 12/2/01, Advent 1, Year A
"Christ's Kingdom of Light" 11/25/01, Christ the King
"Thanksgiving Tempers Terror" 11/18/01, Thanksgiving Sunday
"United We Stand!" 11/11/01, Pledge Sunday #1
"Blessed Are We Who Weep" All Saints Sunday, 11/4/01
"What's So Amazing About Grace?" 10/28/01, P21C
"Keep on Praying and Never Lose Heart" 10/21/01, P20C
"Avoiding the Roaring Lion" 10/14/01, P19C
"Rekindling Our Faith" 10/7/01, P18C
"When They Call, I Will Answer" 9/30/01, P17C
"Going to War" September 23, 2001
"Arising Out of Ashes Again" September 16, 2001
"Wellspring of Joyful Living" 9/9/01, P14C
"Humility and How Not to Attain It" 9/2/01, P13C
"The Notion of Being Freed" 8/26/01, P12C
“For the Joy 8/19/01, P11C
"The Behinder We Get" 8/12/01, P10C
"He's No Fool!" 8/5/01, P9C
"Here's looking at you, kid!" 7/29/01, P8C
"Choosing the Better" 7/22/01, P7C
"Finding Our Niche" 7/15/01, P6C
"Good News For Prodigals" 7/8/01, P5C
"Let Freedom Ring!" Independence Sunday 7/1/01, P4C
"The Righteous Father" 6/17/01, P2C
"It Takes A Community" 6/10/01, Trinity Sunday, C
"Jesus' Spirit Leads Us On" 6/3/01, P1C
"If You Love Me You Will..." 5/20/01, E6C
"A Mother's Love" Mother's Day 5/13/01, E5C
"My Cup Overflows" 5/6/01, E4C
"Follow Me" 4/29/01, E3C
"He Lives!" 4/22/01, E2C
"Jesus' Victory Circle" Easter 4/15/01
"That One Choice" Palm Sunday 4/8/01
"Fools In Love" 4/1/01, L5C
"The Sin of Being Good" 3/25/01, L4C
"God's Cash Crop" 3/18/01 L3C
"Resident Aliens" 3/11/01, L2C
"Down From the Mountain Top" 2/25/01 Transfiguration Sunday
"Things That Last" 2/18/01, Ep7C
"Love's Laughter" 2/11/01, Ep6C
"Fishing for Folks" 2/4/01 Ep5C
"Victory in Defeat" 1/28/01 Ep4C
"Join in the Joy"1/21/01 Ep3C
"Fill it to the Brim", 1/14/01, Ep2C
"Flames of Fire Flash Forth", 1/7/01, Jesus' Baptism