5/10/98, E5C
Ought To Know
After a long silence the guru said in a clear deep voice, "Everything you know, you learned from your mother before you were five years old." There was a collective, "Oooooo!" Like it must really true. We really do not know whether most of what we know is inherited or learned; but, either way we got it from our mothers. We are indelibly stamped by our mothers. If we love, we got it from Mom--- If we hate, we got it from Mom. Most of us are fortunate to have had a mother that loved us more that she loved herself and established deep in our souls the ability to pass such a love on to our children, spouses, friends, and everybody else our paths cross. Of course, our dads were important too, but today is Mothers Day. Most of us can say that we had Christian mothers whose love was rooted upon the love of Christ. Many of our mothers received their first introduction to Jesus Christ from our grandmothers, and on back. My daughters are fortunate that their bloodline includes believers from all of their ancestors: The five Allred brothers who immigrated from England in the 1700s for religious reasons, and the Wisharts who came from Northern Ireland just a generation ago. The Sides, Herrons, Stricklands, and Raulersons, were all believers and still pretty much are when we gather and sing hymns at family reunions. You would not dare let the believing train stop with you, would you? We all want to hold onto the heritage that has molded. And, at the same time, we want to widen the gate to include everybody else. Indeed, everybody ought to have a chance to know who Jesus is. Our assumed game plan is to fling open the doors and invite the whole world in. We have the duty and privilege to be witnesses for Christ. This Kingdom is not exclusively our little club, but potentially includes everybody everywhere. I recall a church
committee member some years ago complaining in a meeting about so many
new people joining his church. "Who are all of these new people,"
he groused in a whining voice. Then, in the next breath, he remembered
Momma, his heritage, and amended his gripe by saying, "Of course
that is the real purpose of the church isnt it?" Although
my mother pampered her baby boy Bobby, she taught me back before One of my summer vacation jobs during college days was selling encyclopedias door to door. It taught me to meet strangers and that without work there is no reward. Nobody ever came out to the street and asked me if they could please buy my books. Sales were made one customer at a time by persistent knocking on doors. Much of what I learned has been directly transferable into my calling as an pastor. Thousands of unsuspecting, unchurched families, inactive Methodists, and other brands, have become active Christians through knocking on doors, phoning, writing, and most recently e-mailing. Our goal has been to spread the love around by giving as many people as possible the opportunity to "know who Jesus is." In our text, Jesus gave us "a new commandment," to include all people. "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for the other."(Jn. 13: 35, NRSV). Outsiders can look at us and tell whether or not we reflect the love of Christ. Human beings can better grasp love acted out, than spelled out. You and I, as fruit of the vine, become billboards for Christ, whether we know it or not. Folks evaluate Christianity by what they see in our lives. Its an awesome burden and joy. Only John recorded Jesus new love commandment in his story about the life of his best friend. John is still called the "Apostle of Love." Oral tradition says that as a very old man living on the Island of Patmos near Greece, he continued to promote love. It is said that the young people loved him and would carry him to worship on a blanket, and as he was carried through the streets he would repeat the words of Jesus in our text, "Love one another, Love one another!" Cant you just imagine that everyone in Patmos wanted to become a part of a group that was filled with such love? Would it not still work today in a local congregation if visitors, neighbors and friends could see love lived out within our community of faith? And it happens Sunday after Sunday in this place where "The Folks Are Friendly." The world sees Jesus in you--- here in church and out scattered as the Church. We celebrate our heritage, but our focus is on extending Jesus love to the whole world. Everybody deserves the same opportunity that we have had to get to know who Jesus is! "Hes the Lily of the Valley, Hes the Bright and Morning Star, Hes the Fairest of Ten Thousand, Everybody ought to know..." a sermon synopsis
by C. Robert Allred, Th.D., Pastor |